STRATIFICATION OF SOCIETY 

At the broadest level, society comprises two strata--the aristocracy and the workers. In the human context too, these are the two sharply defined categories into which all of us, may be divided. Of course, the term 'worker' would include collars of all colors.

                                           🍯 Honey ants🐜

4 Facts About Honey Ants

  1. Honeypot Ants Are Found in Many Places Throughout the World They can be seen in Australia, Africa, and Eurasia.
  2. Honeypot Ants Enjoy Eating Food High in Sugar Honeypot ants love sugary food such as sugar, honey, syrup, honeydew,...
  3. Honeypot Ants Stores Honey as a Way to Provide Food for Other Colony Members We talked briefly about the special...
  4. Honeypot Ants Store Honey in Its Abdomen Honeypot ants are known for their honey-filled abdomens, which they store...

                   QUIT INTRASTING HMM!

                            TYPES OF BEES

                           ♛QUEEN BEE♛

                                                   Queen bee surrounded by worker bees                                                queen bee is typically an adult, mated female that lives in                   a colony or hive of honey bees. With fully developed reproductive organs, the queen is usually the mother of most, if not all, of the bees in the beehive. Queens are developed from larvae selected by worker bees and specially fed in order to become sexually mature. There is normally only one adult, mated queen in a hive, in which case the bees will usually follow and fiercely protect her.

                                                            WORKER BEE

worker bee on duty

A worker bee is any female bee that lacks the full reproductive capacity of the colony's queen bee; under most circumstances, this is correlated to an increase in certain non-reproductive activities relative to a queen.


drone is a male honey bee. Unlike the female worker bee, drones do not have stingers. They gather neither nectar nor pollen and are unable to feed without assistance from worker bees. A drone's only role is to mate with an unfertilized queen.

                                          😆WOOOO! 😮😮

                                                                                                                                               BY ANNA .S. BENNY💜😎

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